
Absolute Snap

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Absolute Snap

10 ratings

Copy/Paste in World Space, and animate Child Of Constraints effortlessly! Compatible with all versions of Blender from 3.0.1+ to 4.2.0+ (please get in touch if you run into issues before leaving a review)

With this tool you can:
Copy - Store the world matrix of your object or bone.

Paste - Apply the copied matrix to your active selection, even if it has child of constraints. As long as the tool says 'Evaluated safely', it will paste in exactly the right spot. Partial influence and partial Loc/Rot channels are not supported currently.

Snap Selected to Active - Snap your selection (or multiple) to the active selection.

Copy Relative - Store the relationship between your two selections.

Paste Relative - Apply the copied relationship to your two selections. Both this and the regular paste don't have to be the same object or bone that was copied! It can be applied to anything.

Paste Relative Forward/Backward - Apply the relationship to either the next or previous frame, or shift click to bake. Useful for simulating a constraint.

Animate Constraints - Any child of constraints on your active selection will be listed, each with a toggle to turn the influence on or off while maintaining position! Each row also contains the name which can be clicked to key, and a key marker.

Disable/Key/Unkey All - Buttons to affect all constraints at once, as well as keying the object or bone itself.

Autosnap - On by default, but included in-case you don't want the transform to stay the same when a constraint is toggled.

At the bottom two options are also available, Name for displaying the constraint name (otherwise the target's name), and Link for allowing only one constraint to be active at a time, for extra quick toggling.

Overview video:

Absolute Snap is free because tools should be accessible. However, if you wish to support the development of future tools and find this addon useful for your workflow, please consider setting a price to cover a coffee or two :)

Special thanks to Dustin for his help with getting into Blender addon development: https://dstn.gumroad.com/

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You'll get the nb_absolutesnap.py file, which can be installed directly into Blender as an addon.

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